How to duplicate ssh session on tmux

I want to duplicate the ssh session again.

For example, my windowname is "user @host". I want to press prefix key + S to do "ssh user @host in new window"

$ tmux bind S confirm-before "neww ssh #W"


After you try it, it just issues ssh command without 'user @host' option. Tmux version is 1.8 on CentOS 7.


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1 answer

You can try something like this, although it's a little ugly. Put this in your tmux.conf


bind S neww "$(ps -ao pid,tty,args | sort | awk '$1 ~ /#{pane_pid}/{VAR=$2} $2 ~ VAR && $3 ~ /ssh/{$1=\"\"; $2=\"\"; print}')"



Create a named binding S

and open it in a new window using the argument as an initial command

bind S neww "..."


Execute internal command output



List the pid, tty and command commands (with arguments) of all processes

ps -ao pid,tty,args | ...


Sort by pid

... | sort | ...


Submitting to awk

... | awk '...'


Find the tty of the current area / window and put it in VAR

( #{}

replaced with tmux)

$1 ~ /#{pane_pid}/{VAR=$2}


Find the process that has the tty we found earlier. And has a command starting with ssh

. Note that we assume that the pid of the ssh session is larger than the shell it was called into. This should be true in most cases.

$2 ~ VAR && $3 ~ /ssh/{...}


Remove pid, tty and print the remainder. This will be an ssh command with all arguments and options. This is the command that will be executed in a new window.

$1=\"\"; $2=\"\"; print




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