Invalid object name 'syscomments' when connecting to SQL Database in Azure

I am trying to use a provider of type SqlDataConnection to connect to a SQL database on Azure.

type dbSchema = SqlDataConnection<",1433;Database={database};User ID={user};Password={password};Trusted_Connection=False;Encrypt=True;Connection Timeout=30;">


When I try to connect to the database with the appropriate connection string, I get the following error:

Invalid object name 'syscomments'.

I cannot find a solution to this problem by others using a different method to connect to the database (like FSharp.Data.SqlClient). I believe this has to do with the Azure Sql Server implementation, however I cannot find any information on how to resolve this issue. Any help is much appreciated.


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1 answer

I had the same issue with the Microsoft Sql Type provider. I started using this Sql type provider to improve results:

Thanks to Ross McKinley for pointing it out to me.



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