Is there a SQL function that will split fixed width delimited rows into a table with a row for each value?

I need to split a list of comma separated fixed width strings. In one specific case, I need to split a list of eight character hexadecimal PIN numbers. Other targets are a more efficient feature than the general purpose SQL splitting functions that are rife with SO and the internet, and user-friendly syntax like:

declare @pinList varchar(max)
set @pinList = 'D1D57EFD,9917D94B,0687E581,C6AA229E,044B136B,ED90E4AF,143E23FB,DF5CF1CB,D711F644,67138659'

select *
from fixedWidthSplitFunction(@list, 8, ',')



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1 answer

Here is a special, fixed width, limited row, table splitting function (well, that was mouthful):

create function tvfFixedWidthSplitter
    @stringList varchar(max),
    @fixedWidth int,
    @delimiter varchar(10)
returns @strings table
    id int,
    string varchar(max)


    with buckets as
        select 1 id

        union all

        select + 1
        from buckets t
        where id = 
            and < len(@stringList)/(@fixedWidth+len(@delimiter))+1

    insert into @strings
        substring(@stringList, ((id - 1) * (@fixedWidth + len(@delimiter)) + (case when len(@delimiter)-1 = 0 then len(@delimiter) else len(@delimiter)-(len(@delimiter)-1) end)), @fixedWidth) string
    from buckets    
    option (maxrecursion 0)




Usage example

select *
from tvfFixedWidthSplitter('D1D57EFD,9917D94B,0687E581,C6AA229E,044B136B,ED90E4AF,143E23FB,DF5CF1CB,D711F644,67138659', 8, ',')


Because its domain is a fixed-width, delimited string, it includes optimizations that are not possible in most general-purpose partitioning functions. In my testing, it outperforms all other general purpose string splitting functions I've come across when the function is used in a JOIN with physical tables, e.g .:

select u.UserName
from Users u
join tvfFixedWidthSplitter(@pinList, 8, ',') s
    on u.Pin = s.string




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