Safe navigation of indexed objects

With the introduction of Roslyn, C # takes advantage of the safe navigation operator. This is great for objects that use dot notation, for example.

MyClass myClass = null;
var singleElement = myClass?.ArrayOfStrings[0];


In this case, myClass is null, but the safe operator keeps me out of the exception.  

My question is, do you have an indexed object equivalent to a safe navigator implementation? An example of this should look like this:

var myClass2 = new MyClass { ArrayOfStrings = null };
var singleElement2 = myClass2?.ArrayOfStrings[0];


In this case, myClass2 is not null, but the ArrayOfStrings property, so when I try to access it, it throws an exception. Since there is no dot notation between ArrayOfStrings and the index, I cannot add a safe navigator.  

Since it is an array, I can use the safe nav operator as follows, but that doesn't work for other collections like Lists and DataRows

var myClass3 = new MyClass { ArrayOfStrings = null };
var singleElement3 = myClass3?.ArrayOfStrings?.GetValue(0);



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1 answer

Based on the language characteristics status page it looks like this:

var singleElement2 = myClass2?.ArrayOfStrings?[0];


Example on page:



... Admittedly, some have $price

been stripped now, I suppose, but I expect indexed zero propagation to work.



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