Play 2.3.x Scala - How to render json data to view?
I come from a Node world and I am having trouble getting my head moving my json to a view and then displaying the data.
I am pushing api to get 2 profiles. Res.body is json. The answer is pretty big, but now I only want to display some data in my view.
// Application.scala
val profile1 = WS.url(player1URL).get()
val profile2 = WS.url(player2URL).get()
Future.sequence(Seq(profile1, profile2)).map {
response => Ok(views.html.index.render(
Json.obj("player1" -> response(0).json, "player2" -> response(1).json)))
@(z: play.api.libs.json.JsObject)
@z.player1 //value player1 is not a member of play.api.libs.json.JsObject
// ideally I want
// z.player1.battleTag //displays battle tag
// z.player1.paragonLevel //displays paragon level
I can display my json as string or even as json. But I cannot access the values by keys. I just want to display 3 or 4 elements from each player as html. Then I can clean it up with css later.
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