Package request and N-SubPacket Msql (same as catgeory and N sub catgeory)

I am creating a package type system. Where in my Batch table the parent package is stored ( id

which is the primary key) and its N-Sub Packet is under ( parent_id

), below is my table structure:


id | packet_name | parent_id |
1  |   01        |  0
2  |   02        |  0
3  |   03        |  1
4  |   04        |  1
5  |   05        |  1
6  |   06        |  4
7  |   07        |  4
8  |   08        |  3
9  |   09        |  5
10 |   010       |  2 on and on with N packets in same table


Below is what I tried but it didn't get the correct id

N subpackage granularity :

SELECT p.`packet_name` AS MAIN, s.`packet_name` AS SUB
FROM packet_table s
LEFT JOIN packet_table p ON s.`parent_id` = p.`id` 


according to the above table: id (which is main / auto increment)

id = 1 -> main package (01), its sub and N sub-packages:

01 → 03.04.05

04 → 06.07

03 → 08

05 → 09

01 -> 03 -> 08
      04 -> 06 , 07
      05 -> 09


its not needed above mysql code design code .. just simple N package query would be

above are just a few, but in my case for each (id) there will be N number of subpackages.

Note: It can be the same as Category and N type and also PLS note as above. I don't want the request to be described above (like a tree). I just need only mysql query in any format ..

1} just need, when I search with id = 1, then the result will give me the whole subpackage and this is N subdocuments,

2} when I search with any subpackage id then it should give me its additional package and its entire N-package, etc. etc. Also this subpackage has a main package and a dash.

UPDATE: please check below request format. I need some with N packages

Table Format 1 :  thats Main Packet 
| Main Pkt   | Sub Packet | COUNT(*) |
| 01         | 03         |        1 |
| 01         | 04         |        1 |
| 01         | 05         |        1 |



Table Format 2 :  thats Sub and Its N sub Packet 
| Main Pkt   | Sub Packet | N Sub Packet    |
| 01         | 03         |        08       |
| 01         | 04         |        06       |
| 01         | 04         |        07       |
| 01         | 05         |        09       |



Table Format 2 :  thats Sub and Its N sub Packet 
| Main Pkt   | Sub Packet | N Sub Packet    |
| 01         | 03         |        08       |
| 01         | 04         |        06       |
| 01         | 04         |        07       |
| 03         | 011        |        014      | -- *****
above ***** : here  03 is actually sub packet of 01  hence it query will also help me


So 01 - 03 - 011 - 014


source to share

1 answer

To be able to get all the children in one query, you can restructure the table to store the batch data as a nested set model .

Tree structure built from your sample data:

      /   \
     1     2
   / | \    \
  3  4  5    10
  |  |\  \
  8  6 7  9



|    id | packet_name  | lft | rgt |
|     0 | 00           |   1 |  22 |
|     1 | 01           |   2 |  17 |
|     2 | 02           |  18 |  21 |
|     3 | 03           |   3 |   6 |
|     4 | 04           |   7 |  12 |
|     5 | 05           |  13 |  16 |
|     6 | 06           |   8 |   9 |
|     7 | 07           |  10 |  11 |
|     8 | 08           |   4 |   5 |
|     9 | 09           |  14 |  15 |
|    10 | 010          |  19 |  20 |


Get all nodes of a subtree rooted 01


SELECT node.packet_name
FROM Packet_table AS node,
    Packet_table AS parent
WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt
    AND parent.packet_name = '01'
ORDER BY node.lft;



01, 03, 08, 04, 06, 07, 05, 09


Another solution is to have a loop on the PHP side and fetch all recursively (see recursive function to get all child categories ).



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