Mangento MY PRODUCT REVIEW showing that you have not submitted any reviews. even i viewed the product

Mangento PRODUCT REVIEW Mangento has not yet reviewed. even I looked at the product.

It used to show that I added a count of modules that suddenly stopped showing how can I debug as I added 10 or more modules that deploy them and checking one at a time would waste time on any lightweight workaround.


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1 answer

Disabling 10 modules shouldn't take long (maybe less time than posting on SO!). And it would be much faster than trying to find each of them to find the reason.

Disable each one and see if it works. If it turns them on one by one, retest after turning on each one. If it's the module that is causing the problem, you will find it soon. You can quickly disable modules in your local directory by putting this in your local.xml file (in / app / etc)



Although this will not disable modules installed in the community directory.



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