SQL Server output results in "net :: ERR_CONNECTION_RESET" error in PHP

I am dealing with some issues with prepared statements using PDO-ODBC with PHP5.5 and SQL Server 2008.

I can connect to the database using SQL Server 10.0 ODBC Native Client and do some raw queries as I hardcode the value I'm looking for.

The problem occurs when I try to execute prepared requests ... the browser just tells me the page is not available ... The status is not even a 404 error, but it tells me:



The code I use is:

    try {
        $pdodb = new PDO('odbc:Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};Server=xx.xx.xx.xx; database=test; UID=idUser; PWD=password');
    } catch (Exception $exc) {
        echo $exc->getMessage();
$name= 'Smith';
$query = "SELECT * FROM users where Name= :name";

$sql = $pdodb->prepare($query);
$sql->bindParam(':name',$name, PDO::PARAM_STR);


$response = $sql->fetchAll();



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