Getting error after redirecting to iOS app from google plus signin

I am using google plus api signin in my iPhone app. Earlier I created my app in google plus api using my gmail account. It worked well this time. But for some reason I added the same app to my company account using gmail and created a new project in the Google Plus console and created a new customer ID. And in the Xcode plist I have changed all the new Customer IDs given by Google, but I am getting the following error, can anyone understand about this? IF so, please give your valuable advice.

Error error received Domain = Code = -1 "The operation could not be completed. ( error 400.)" UserInfo = 0x17da00a0 {NSLocalizedDescription = The operation could not be completed. ( error 400.)} and auth object == (null)


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1 answer

After spending 4 hours on this issue, I finally got my problem fixed. This issue came from not entering the details in the consent screen, which is an option in API and Auth.

I made it simple, clicked on the "Screen Consent" option and added an email address in the Email Address field and added the product name in the Product Name field. Then save the click.

All. Hope this helps someone in the future. I got this answer from the following link

Error: invalid_client no app name



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