Liferay renderURL loads the same page

I have developed a portlet that is called on condition <liferay-portlet:runtime portletName="2903"></liferay-portlet:runtime>

inside other view.jsp portlets

Explanation: PortletA :: view.jsp checks which theme is currently being applied and then either loads PortletB or continues to process its own code.

This is the mobile version of the OOTB messaging portlet and it runs on Tomcat 7.0.27 which I am using for development.

Problem: . The live server is Websphere and after the deployment process, all links created with the renderURL taglib do not work, for example. after clicking, the same page just reloads and nothing happens. Tags look like this:

<portlet:renderURL var="editURL">
        <portlet:param name="struts_action" value="/mobile_message_boards/edit_message" />
        <portlet:param name="redirect" value="<%= currentURL %>" />
        <portlet:param name="messageId" value="<%= String.valueOf(message.getMessageId()) %>" />


Observables The posted snippet creates a working link to Tomcat, but not Websphere. When I use <portlet:actionURL>

instead <portlet:renderURL>

, it also works in Websphere, but is not a pure implementation. When I add the mobile portlet separately / directly to the page, renderURL again works as expected, redirects to the appropriate pages, but then I lose my condition that determines which portlet should be loaded. I added tracing to PortletAction which is behind the racks, but it never gets called in Websphere and on Tomcat the trace appears in the log output.

I believe it has something to do with some configuration rights for creating / calling renderURL of portletB inside portletA on Websphere. I have not found a suitable solution for this problem.

Does anyone know a solution or workaround?

Best regards, Denis Dick


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