Ladybug rooms

What name should I use in the command ladybug_set_theme()

to set the theme that was used in the screenshot in,

How do I customize the theme and format for my entire application? (avoiding calls ladybug_set_theme()

and ladybug_set_format()

in every controller / method)

What topics are available in general?


I made an install via composer using

"raulfraile/ladybug": "~1.0"


The composer has installed both the latest version and a modern theme:

- Installing raulfraile/ladybug-theme-modern (v1.0.7)
  Downloading: 100%

- Installing raulfraile/ladybug (v1.0.11)
  Downloading: 100%


Then I also suggested the following suggested by FyodorX:

λ php app/console assets:install
Installing assets as hard copies
Installing assets for Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle into web/bundles/framework
Installing assets for Sonata\CoreBundle into web/bundles/sonatacore
Installing assets for Sonata\jQueryBundle into web/bundles/sonatajquery
Installing assets for Sonata\AdminBundle into web/bundles/sonataadmin
Installing assets for Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle into web/bundles/sensiodistribution


I also cleared the cache. It had no effect.

The theme is activated, however, when I call ladybug_set_theme("modern");

before the command ldd()

. (I've only tried ladybug_set_theme("classic");

before and suggested in the docs .)

With a problem solving problem that could be applied, can anyone suggest a way to set the theme once for the entire application?

I assume that otherwise I will need to call ladybug_set_theme()

each time I use it. (correct guess?)


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1 answer

The theme you see in the documentation is the default theme and is named modern


Make sure you add the correct dependency for Symfony2 ...:

    "require": {
        "raulfraile/ladybug-bundle": "~1.0"


... and include the package:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new RaulFraile\Bundle\LadybugBundle\RaulFraileLadybugBundle(),


Try reinstalling and clearing your cache memory:

$ php app/console assets:install
$ rm -fr .cache/*


You can change the theme programmatically using ladybug_set_theme()

, but you don't need to, as it modern

is the default theme.



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