Count frequency of each line in an array using Matlab

I have this huge array. I have allocated the unique rows in a separate array. Now I would like to create a vector that will store the occurrences of each unique string. How could I do this? Tried using histc. I found about tabulate

, but only works on vectors.

x=[62   29  64
    63  32  61
    63  32  61
    63  32  61
    63  31  62
    62  29  64
    62  29  64
    65  29  60
    62  29  64
    63  32  61
    63  32  61
    63  29  62
    63  32  61
    62  29  64

[row, count] = histc(x,unique(x,'rows'))


I am getting the following error: Edge vector must be monotonically non-decreasing.

Also ran into this error on several other attempts.


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1 answer

Use unique

this way -

[unique_rows,~,ind] = unique(x,'rows')
counts = histc(ind,unique(ind))



and counts

will be the results you output.

With your data, it gives -

unique_rows =
    62    29    64
    63    29    62
    63    31    62
    63    32    61
    65    29    60
counts =


Bonus: You can improve performance by avoiding the second use unique

this way -

counts = histc(ind,1:max(ind));




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