How do I get from confd the value of the generate key line from etcd

I am using confd and etcd. I am following the confd example for nginx . I put these keys in my etcd service:

curl -XPUT -d dir=true
curl -XPUT -d value="myapp"
curl -XPUT -d value=""
curl -XPUT -d value=""


This is my fancy config:

prefix = "myapp"
keys = [
owner = "nginx"
mode = "0644"
src = "nginx.tmpl"
dest = "/tmp/myapp.conf"
check_cmd  = "/usr/sbin/nginx -t -c {{ .src }}"
reload_cmd = "/usr/sbin/service nginx reload"


And this is my tmpl config.

upstream {{.subdomain}} {
{{range $server := .upstream}}
    #I want to get the key string value
    server {{$sever.key}} {{$server.Value}};

server {
    server_name  {{.subdomain}};

    location / {
        proxy_pass        http://{{.subdomain}};
        proxy_redirect    off;
        proxy_set_header  Host             $host;
        proxy_set_header  X-Real-IP        $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-For  $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;


Here I want to catch the value of a key string like app2 or app1 . I only know how to get his values. I want to do something like this {{$ sever.key}} but it doesn't work. The configuration above {{$ sever.key}} is not correct , but I did it to show what I need.

Is it possible?

Is there any reserverd word for this or syntax?


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1 answer

I had the same problem. For me this code worked (accepted in your config):

{{range gets "/myapp/upstream/*"}}
server {{base .Key}} {{.Value}}


For me, the main problem was the function gets

. All examples I found on the net have used getvs

which only provides values. Functions base

just remove the first parts of your key's path

See these confd docs for more information .



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