What does "changeset" mean?

Below the column Recent Activity

in the Bitbucket repository, there is the following entry:

enter image description here

What does it mean?


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1 answer

Changes removed from <repo-name>

is the bitbucket language for

this commit was used for the story <repo-name>

, but has since been removed by force push.

You can reproduce the situation in a toy store. Create an empty repository on Bitbucket, clone it, then cd

to the root directory of the clone and run the following:

# create a first commit
$ touch README
$ git add README
$ git commit -m "add README"
$ git push -u origin master

# create a second commit
$ printf "hello world\n" > README
$ git commit -am "modify README"
$ git push

# "delete" the second commit
$ git reset --hard master^
$ git push --force


In the remote repo, under "Recent History", the second commit (now removed) will be marked as "Changeset" removed from <repo-name>


enter image description here



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