How can I view a property for changes in a filtered array of objects when I filter that same property?

How to do it:

$scope.$watch('item.completed', function(to, from){ …


combined with this:

<li ng-repeat="item in items | filter:{completed: true}" ng-controller="ItemCtrl">

Live plunker example:

At the present time, when I change the property of the item

object completed

, $watch()

does not start.

I suspect it has something to do with referencing the property of the filter properties, but how do I do it otherwise? I've also tried $watch(…, …, true)

and $watchCollection()

but has no effect.


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4 answers

You can listen for the scope destroy event and get the value from the event object:

.controller('ItemCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope){
    $scope.$on('$destroy', function(o){log( + '(' + o.targetScope.item.completed + '):destroyed')});
    $scope.$watch('item.completed', function(to, from){
      log(from + ' --> ' + to);




I'm still not entirely sure I understand the end goal. I think you are saying that you want to be able to register when an item changes in the filtered list. I can think of a couple of imperfect approaches.

  • Forget about the watch completely. Just call the function on ng-change

    to enter the checkbox:
  • Create a deep scan of an array of elements through $scope.$watch('items', listener, true)

    . The third argument true

    will cause the object check to be used , after which you can compare after the array and log states that changed each time:

Not only exactly watch

which gives you a certain changed item in the list, but I think you can get what you eventually need to do via these routes.



You should be able to run the clock function if you are using ng-show instead of filtering.

<li ng-repeat="item in items" ng-show="{{item.completed}}" ng-controller="ItemCtrl">




This is a hacky way to do it, but I think it does what the OP wants:

It also proves that jonasnas and PSL were absolutely right.

The idea is to do it in controllers:

  .controller('ItemsCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope){
    $scope.items = [
      {name: 'item 1', completed: true},
      {name: 'item 2', completed: true},
      {name: 'item 3', completed: true},
      {name: 'item 4', completed: false},
      {name: 'item 5'},
      {name: 'item 6', completed: true},
    $scope.watchMe = function(item){
      var myIdx = $scope.items.indexOf(item);
        $scope.$watch('items[' + myIdx + '].completed', function(to, from){
          log(from + ' --> ' + to);
  .controller('ItemCtrl', ['$scope',function($scope){


I don't think there would ever be anything like this in the code, but it was interesting to find a way to resolve the issue, and I learned a few things along the way.



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