Moving image in circular motion based on touch events in android

I am trying to move an ImageView (not rotate). The movement should be at the edge of the circle. This circle also represents the image.

based on onTouch event, ACTION_MOVE, I am trying to move it.

Dilem's Noah is that using cannot move the finger in a completely circular fashion, but I would like to make sure that the image still moves around the edge of that circle.

I am currently using the following inside ACTION_MOVE:



But it won't move in a perfect circle.

someone can help.

UPDATE: code

        public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {

            switch (event.getAction()) {

                case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:

                        mInitialX = event.getX();
                        mInitialY = event.getY();


                case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:

                    mEndX = event.getX();
                    mEndY = event.getY();

                    float deltaX = mEndX - mInitialX;
                    float deltaY = mEndY - mInitialY;
                    double angleInDegrees = Math.atan(deltaY / deltaX) * 180 / Math.PI;

                    mInitialX = mEndX;
                    mInitialY = mEndY;



                case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
                    allowRotating = true;

            return true;



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1 answer

  • calculate the center point of the circle
  • get the current touch point
  • calculate the angle between the center and the new touch point
  • Calculate a point on a circle using the angle and radius of the circle (x = r * cos (angle), y = r * sin (angle)).
  • Reset the image position to a new point.

To get the angle use the below equation

deltaY = P2_y - P1_y
deltaX = P2_x - P1_x
angleInDegrees = arctan(deltaY / deltaX) * 180 / PI

//Code inside ACTION_MOVE case
mInitialX = event.getX();
mInitialY = event.getY();
float deltaX = circleCenter.x - mInitialX;
float deltaY = circleCenter.y - mInitialY;
double angleInRadian = Math.atan2(yDiff, xDiff);
PointF pointOnCircle = new PointF();
pointOnCircle.x = circleCenter.x + ((float)(circleRadius*(Math.cos(angleInRadian))));
pointOnCircle.y = circleCenter.y + ((float)(circleRadius*(Math.cos(angleInRadian))));




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