Facebook Object Debugger: Rolling Error: SSL_PEER_CERTIFICATE SSL: No Certificate Subject Alternative Name
I cannot check the tags of the open chart on the site using the Facebook Object Debugger (lint tool) ( https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object/ ). Errors returned:
Object at URL 'https://www.musicharvest.org/' of type 'website' is invalid because a required property 'og:title' of type 'string' was not provided.
Curl Error : SSL_PEER_CERTIFICATE SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name 'www.musicharvest.org'
and the result is that no open graph tags are interpreted.
The site exists and the SSL certificate contains both www.musicharvest.org and the musicharvest.org file.
Does anyone have any idea what might be here?
While looking for this problem, I noticed that my usual "http" URL that I put into the debugger was pointing to my logger, not my site. So I was thinking about DNS and I was right. When I changed the ipv6 AAAA record of my domain and pointed to the ipv6 address of my server, the "SSL_PEER_CERTIFICATE SSL" error disappeared for my "https" links.
It might also fix it for you.
Looks like Facebook is doing some things with ipv6
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