Syntax highlighting for C code in Orion's embedded HTML text editor

I am trying to get C syntax highlighting to work for my HTML application.

I am implementing Orion editor. For now, only JavaScript syntax highlighting works, but I think it is also possible to get C highlighting because the git repository at functions " stylers "also for Java and C.

Here's my setup code:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>
<script src=""></script>
if (window.addEventListener) {
    window.addEventListener('load', function() {
        require(["orion/editor/edit"], function(edit) {
            edit({className: "editor"});
    }, false);
    padding: 0px;
    border: 1px solid lightgrey;


This markup code successfully creates a JavaScript highlighting edit box:

<pre class="editor" data-editor-lang="js">
// JavaScript
function() { }


Here's the code for C that doesn't work (attribute data-editor-lang="c"

is speculation, can't find any documentation for this):

<pre class="editor" data-editor-lang="c">
// C/C++
int main() {
    volatile float x = 12.f;


Here's the Java version (but it works if I change orion/editor/releases/latest/

to orion/editor/releases/5.0/


<pre class="editor" data-editor-lang="java">
// Java
class X extends Y {}


I am getting these error messages while testing this HTML:

Error: undefined missing orion/editor/stylers/c/syntax built-editor.js:297
Error: undefined missing orion/editor/stylers/text_x-java-source/syntax built-editor.js:297



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1 answer

After some trial and error, I got syntax highlighting for javascript to work when using only the Orion client. The same strategy may work for you:

    baseUrl : '.',
    paths: {          
        'orion/editor': 'lib/orion',      
        'jquery': 'bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min'



require(['orion/editor/built-editor', 'orion/editor/stylers/application_javascript/syntax'], function(edit, syntax) {  

    var deferred = new $.Deferred();

          className: "editor",
          grammarProvider: function(){                    
             return deferred.promise();                 


Another option could be to use inline-codeEdit instead of build-editor for the client. Also see



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