How do I use angular.bootstrap twice?

I have a page where there are multiple tabs and I am using angular + bootstrap. I am using angular.bootstrap first. Then I have another controller to display different sets of data in one of the tabs. when i try to use angular.bootstrap again i get an error it cannot load twice. To keep it simple, consider the following code.

    <div id="mainpage" ng-controller="mainPageController">

    <li id="test1"> <a href="gototest1"> GoToTest1  </li>
    <li id="test2"> <a href="gototest2"> GoToTest2 </li>


<div id="gototest1"> 
this is some sample. I have another html page here which will be loaded as a tab


The page for gototest1 looks like this:

    <div ng-controller="gototestcontroller>
    Here comes the another widget from another controller and 
I try to use angular.boostrap here again. And I get the error because it is already bootstrapped in mainPage



What's the best way to use angular.bootstrap here?


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2 answers

Angular bootstrap is used to manually initialize an Angular document or element.

Angular cannot be initialized more than once on an element. Is there any reason why you are not using auto initialization using ng-app




It looks like you could use a module ngRoute

and use attirbute ng-view

instead of trying to load twice.



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