Converting Magickwand to Group 4 TIFF and CCITT compression gives an uncompressed image

Attempting to convert a 24 bpp bitmap to black and white TIFF with CCITT group 4 compression. The result is a 1 bpp TIFF image as expected, but not compressed.

I am using FreePascal which has magickwand bindings and the status is never MagickFalse:

wand := NewMagickWand;
  status := MagickReadImage(wand,PChar(InputFile));
  if (status = MagickFalse) then HandleError;

  status := MagickSetImageFormat(wand,'TIFF');
  if (status = MagickFalse) then HandleError;

  // convert to black & white/lineart
  status := MagickSetImageType(wand,BilevelType);
  if (status = MagickFalse) then HandleError;

  // Group4Compression seems defined as 4 which 
  // apparently doesn't match imagemagick source. Bug:
  status := MagickSetImageCompression(wand,CompressionType(7)); //was Group4Compression
  if (status = MagickFalse) then HandleError;

  // Apparently set(image)compresionquality and
  // stripimage are necessary to actually compress
  status := MagickSetImageCompressionQuality(wand,0);
  if (status = MagickFalse) then HandleError;
  status := MagickStripImage(wand);
  if (status = MagickFalse) then HandleError;

  status := MagickWriteImage(wand,PChar(OutputFile));
  if (status = MagickFalse) then HandleError;

  wand := DestroyMagickWand(wand);


Original image

Original (faulty) source code of the program at

Original (erroneous) output image at

What am I doing wrong?

Edit: Allowed; got an off-site solution: the CompressionType enumeration in the FreePascal bindings is probably out of date - Group4Compression was 4 (IIRC), while it should be 7.

I will give a bounty to Mark Setchel as his answer was a necessary part of the solution. Source code above, updated with the correct version.


source to share

1 answer

At least with the PHP version, it seems that setting the compression type doesn't actually compress the image - see below comments here .

It also shows that in all the examples I have found that you must then call MagickSetImageCompressionQuality()

and StripImage()

for the actual compression - see. Here .



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