How to efficiently reorder characters in a string so that there are no pairs?

There is a string of up to 10 ^ 5 characters A..Z. The challenge is to rearrange it so that none of the characters form a string. For multiple solutions, the correct one is the one that comes first in alphabetical order. Of course, this must be done within a reasonable time frame.

So, I tried two approaches, and one rebuilds correctly, but very inefficiently, and the other apparently broke the logic.

Slow approach.

  • Sorting an array of characters
  • Rearrange in place, similar to insertion sort (why is it so slow)

Wrong approach (does not always give the first answer in alphabetical order)

  • Sorting
  • Move elements, starting from the end, to another array, keeping the invariant
  • Reverse

I'm really stuck and can't think of anything else.




Here is a detailed algorithm for solving the model. I think I am not allowed to post the actual code, so like this:

  • Plot a histogram. It can be stored in an int array, the indices are ascii codes, so no matching is required.
  • Create a new line:
    • for each character goes in alphabetical order, from A to Z
    • if, according to the histogram, there is no such symbol, go to the next
    • If the previous recorded character was the same, move on to the next one (unless it is the first iteration)
    • write the first matching character found
    • decrease the number on the histogram
    • if there is (length-i + 2) / 2 of the current character (half of what is left), break away from that loop and go to the next character in the line.

It's much shorter and easier than the mess I ended up writing (although it worked great and thanks a lot for the help).


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1 answer

Good point is Paul R. If you have a histogram with the number of occurrences of each item, you can sort these buckets by the number of occurrences from high to low. As long as the number of occurrences in one bucket does not exceed the number of buckets, you should be able to create a viable row. Starting with the largest buckets, run through each entry in the next largest bucket to the smaller buckets.






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