How to back up the contents of an S3 bucket locally using PowerShell

I created this function to pull objects from my S3 Bucket. It works, but because of the -Key parameter, I can only do one file at a time.

Is there anyway to back up the entire contents of the bucket without writing multiple Copy-S3Object cmdlets?

function CopyFromS3ToFolder($S3_Bucket, $S3_Folder_Destination, $S3_Key, $S3_SecretKey, $S3_AccessKey, $S3_Region)
    # (Amazon Simple Storage Service)
    #version AWSToolsAndSDKForNet_sdk-    

    Write-Host "Copying from S3 to Local Directory"
    Write-Host "Folder Name :$S3_Folder_Destination"         
    Copy-S3Object -BucketName $S3_Bucket -LocalFile $S3_Folder_Destination -SecretKey $S3_SecretKey -AccessKey $S3_AccessKey -Region $S3_Region -Key $S3_Key



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2 answers

$objects = Get-S3Object -bucketname $S3_Bucket  -SecretKey $S3_SecretKey -AccessKey $S3_AccessKey -Region $S3_Region -KeyPrefix 8.9.2014

foreach($key in $objects.key)
        $filename = $key -replace "8.9.2014/"
        Copy-S3Object -Bucket $S3_Bucket -Key $key "$S3_Folder_Destination\$filename" -SecretKey $S3_SecretKey -AccessKey $S3_AccessKey -Region $S3_Region





You can use Get-S3Object

to get the keys you want and then pass that to Copy-S3Object

like below:

Get-S3Object -bucketname "Bucket1" | %{ Copy-S3Object -Key $_.key -LocalFile "path" }




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