Sorting by document values ​​in nested arrays in Mongo

I have a collection called "Objects". Each Object document has a nested array of documents called properties. Every property document has a name and a value.

For example, let's say I have these two objects, each with two properties (height and width). How to sort objects by height?

  "id": 1,
  "properties": [
      "name": "height",
      "value": 170
      "name": "width",
      "value": 200
  "id": 2,
  "properties": [
      "name": "height",
      "value": 100
      "name": "width",
      "value": 300



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1 answer

Most of the time MongoDB aggregation framework

is your friend when you are dealing with arrays. Have a look at $unwind

which can be used to split an array into separate documents. I've posted a sample request below to sort the documents height

. Note that you can use the operator $project

in the aggregation pipeline to better format the results.

    // De-normalize the 'properties' array
    // Filter for only height
    // Sort by 'height' in ascending order.  Use -1 for descending 


EDIT: One way to keep the item properties

intact is to make a copy of it just for sorting. Below is an example:

    // Make a copy of the 'properties' element
    {$project:{properties:1, sortfield:"$properties"}}, 
    // Get rid of 'sortfield' 




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