Hadoop: how are reducer nodes selected?

I just started learning Hadoop but don't understand how datanode becomes a node reducer.

  • Once the map task is finished, the contents of the sort buffer will be flushed to the local disk after the KV pairs are sorted and partitioned
  • The jobtracker is then notified of the spilled sections.
  • After that, the reducers begin to request data from a specific section.

But how does jobtracker decide which node becomes the reducer node? I am reading the Hadoop Definitive manual, but this step is not mentioned in the book.

Thanks, Bruckwald


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1 answer

To a great extent first-come, first-serve

. Tasks are assigned by beats, so if Tasktracker pings Jobtracker that it is alive, it will receive a response that may contain a new task to run:

List<Task> tasks = getSetupAndCleanupTasks(taskTrackerStatus);
if (tasks == null ) {
   tasks = taskScheduler.assignTasks(taskTrackerStatus);
if (tasks != null) {
   for (Task task : tasks) {
     LOG.debug(trackerName + " -> LaunchTask: " + task.getTaskID());
     actions.add(new LaunchTaskAction(task));


Here is the corresponding Jobtracker source code . Thus, in addition to the tasktracker being in the first place, the taskcheduler will check the resource conditions (for example, if there is a free slot, or one node is not overloaded).

The relevant code can be found here (which is not particularly interesting):

// Same thing, but for reduce tasks
// However we _never_ assign more than 1 reduce task per heartbeat
final int trackerCurrentReduceCapacity = 
  Math.min((int)Math.ceil(reduceLoadFactor * trackerReduceCapacity), 
final int availableReduceSlots = 
  Math.min((trackerCurrentReduceCapacity - trackerRunningReduces), 1);
boolean exceededReducePadding = false;
if (availableReduceSlots > 0) {
  exceededReducePadding = exceededPadding(false, clusterStatus, 
  synchronized (jobQueue) {
    for (JobInProgress job : jobQueue) {
      if (job.getStatus().getRunState() != JobStatus.RUNNING ||
          job.numReduceTasks == 0) {

      Task t = job.obtainNewReduceTask(taskTracker, numTaskTrackers, taskTrackerManager.getNumberOfUniqueHosts());                             
      if (t != null) {

      // Don't assign reduce tasks to the hilt!
      // Leave some free slots in the cluster for future task-failures,
      // speculative tasks etc. beyond the highest priority job
      if (exceededReducePadding) {


Basically, the first tasktracker that accepts Jobtracker bits and has enough slots available will have pruning problems.



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