SQL Running Total Grouped by date

(Using SQL Server 2008) I could easily get this to work if I were to build the view and then the query in the view, but I want to accomplish this in a single SQL query. I have a table that contains two columns (DeliveredDate (DateTime), Delivered (Varchar)). I first convert DeliveredDate to Date only and then I group by date. At the same time, I am doing counting (column is either YES or NULL). Here's what I use to accomplish this part:

  SELECT CAST([DeliveredDate] As Date),
  FROM [TableName]
  GROUP BY CAST([DeliveredDate] As Date)
  ORDER BY CAST([DeliveredDate] As Date)


As a result, I get something like:

DeliveredDate  |  Delivered
 2012-04-24          10
 2012-04-25         500
 2012-04-26         422
 2012-04-27          33


I'm looking for something like this:

DeliveredDate  |  Delivered  |  RunningTotal
 2012-04-24          10            10
 2012-04-25         500           510
 2012-04-26         422           932
 2012-04-27          33           965


I've tried various examples I've seen there, but none of them fit this scenario of executing Count and RunningTotal for the specified Count.


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2 answers

I'm not sure if CTE counts as a view, but this will work in SQL 2005+, which doesn't support ordered OVER clauses for SUM.

WITH cte (DeliveredDate, Delivered)
     AS (SELECT Cast([DeliveredDate] AS DATE) DeliveredDate, 
                Count([Delivered]) Delivered 
         FROM   [TableName] 
         GROUP  BY Cast([DeliveredDate] AS DATE)) 
SELECT d1.delivereddate, 
       Sum(d2.Delivered) RunningTotal 
FROM   cte d1 
       LEFT JOIN cte d2 
         ON d1.delivereddate >= d2.DeliveredDate 
GROUP  BY d1.delivereddate, 
ORDER BY d1.delivereddate




If you are using a product that implements ordered OVER clauses for SUM, you can do something like this:

  cast(DeliveredDate as date) as DeliveredDate,
  count(Delivered) as Delivered,
  sum(count(Delivered)) over (
    order by DeliveredDate
  ) as RunningTotal
from Orders
group by OrderDate
order by OrderDate;


Your expression count (Delivered) is a little weird. Just to be sure what you want: it will count the number of rows on a particular date for which the value in the "Supplied" column is not NULL.



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