.NET 4.0 Tracing; Problems using TraceSwitch

I am trying to set up .NET tracing in my C # application. I was able to set up a tracking application in the console and a .log file. But I am unable to set it up correctly TraceSwitch


I am using a System.Diagnostics.Trace

tracing class . I read this post which I should be using instead for logging / tracing. Is there an easy way to implement a "new way of tracking" (post .NET 2.0)? Or do I need to write my own Trace class that uses and provides functionality such as "old tracing (pre 2.0)" - for example ? TraceSource



Trace.TraceInformation("my msg")

Here's my App.config file:

<!-- Trace Sources -->
  <source name="MySource" switchName="AppTraceLevel"> <!-- switchValue="Off" does not work either -->
      <add name="ConsoleTraceListener" />
      <add name="LogTraceListener" />
      <remove name="Default"  />

<!-- Trace Level -->
  <add name="AppTraceLevel" value="Off"/>

<!-- Trace Listeners -->
  <add name="ConsoleTraceListener"
       traceOutputOptions="ProcessId, DateTime" />
  <add name="LogTraceListener"
       initializeData="MyAppName.log" />

<!-- Trace Options -->
<trace autoflush="true" indentsize="4">
    <add name="ConsoleTraceListener" />
    <add name="LogTraceListener" />



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