Converting Ampersand with Haml with Angular.js app

I have an Angular.js app that I want to start using Haml with. My problem is that some of my codes are not converting correctly.

I need to output the following:

<form name='userForm' class='admin-form form-horizontal' ng-submit='userForm.$valid && saveUser()' novalidate></form>


So in Haml I write:

%form{:class => 'admin-form form-horizontal', :name => 'userForm', :'ng-submit'=>'userForm.$valid && saveUser()'}


The problem is what &&

gets converted to &amp;&amp;

like this:

<form name='userForm' class='admin-form form-horizontal' ng-submit='userForm.$valid &amp;&amp; saveUser()' novalidate></form>


What can I do to prevent this? Also, is it possible to put each tag attribute in Haml on a separate line? I am getting errors when I try to do this.


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2 answers

Ok, I got it to work by setting no-escape-attrs

in true

in the haml parameters of the Gruntfile:

        'no-escape-attrs': true




You need to set the value escape_attrs

to false. How you do this will depend on how you use Haml to see the docs .

eg. from the command line:

$haml --no-escape-attrs
%form{:class => 'admin-form form-horizontal', :name => 'userForm', :'ng-submit'=>'userForm.$valid && saveUser()'}



<form class='admin-form form-horizontal' name='userForm' ng-submit='userForm.$valid && saveUser()'></form>




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