Laravel 4 & Mandrill JSON response

I started sending emails via Laravel (4.2) and the Mandrill built-in driver these days, but I need to catch Mandrill's answer somehow.

Here's the code I'm using to send the message:

Mail::queue('emails.customerspromo', array('messaggio'=>$content, 'disclaimer'=>$disclaimer, 'user_email'=>$to, 'user_id'=>$uid), function($message) use ($sender, $to, $subject) {
    $message->from('', $sender);
    $message->getHeaders()->addTextHeader('X-MC-GoogleAnalytics', '');
    $message->getHeaders()->addTextHeader('X-MC-GoogleAnalyticsCampaign', 'my-campaign');


I need to intercept Mandrill JSON response like:

        "email": "",
        "status": "sent",
        "_id": "80e1ca49d3ed4cbb9d9a3d932c0a14f8",
        "reject_reason": null


How can I do this using Laravel's built-in drivers for Mandrill?

I could use Mail :: send instead of the Mail :: queue if necessary to interpret the response in real time.


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1 answer

Place a variable in front of your post function like this:

$ response = Mail :: queue ('emails.customerspromo', array ('messaggio' => $ content, 'disclaimer' => $ disclaimer, 'user_email' => $ to, 'user_id' => $ uid), function ($ message) use ($ sender, $ to, $ subject) {
    $ message-> from (' ', $ sender);
    $ message-> to ($ to);
    $ message-> subject ($ subject);
    $ message-> setCharset ('UTF-8');
    $ message-> getHeaders () -> addTextHeader ('X-MC-GoogleAnalytics', '');
    $ message-> getHeaders () -> addTextHeader ('X-MC-GoogleAnalyticsCampaign', 'my-campaign');

It will still work, but now you can see the response from the mandrill.



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