Why is Wireshark reporting that my HTTP / 1.1 connection is issuing the HTTP / 2 RESET_STREAM command?
I have a client and server that both use HTTP / 1.1. After several HTTP / 1.1 exchanges, Wireshark identifies one HTTP2 command of type RESET_STREAM (from the client) with an "Unknown" error code.
I suspect Wireshark is mistakenly parsing this HTTP2 message from the binary payload of my HTTP / 1.1 connection (controlled by the Content-Length header). However, the fact that my HTTP / 1.1 session is not progressing as expected in this particular environment makes me wonder what is going on?
Any ideas or comments would be appreciated.
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The bug filed against Wireshark ( Bug 10335 - 1.12.0 does not parse HTTP correctly ) describes:
Both client and server listed their HTTP version as 1.1 in their http.request.version headers.
290 packages are listed as HTTP2
which suggests a known issue with HTTP / 2 frame heuristic detection. This partial fix introduces a way to disable HTTP / 2 detection.
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