Posting image to facebook Graph API using angularjs

I'm trying to upload an image to facebook ... Unfortunately the facebook API always returns the following error:

{ error: Objectcode: 324, message: "(#324) Requires upload file", type: "OAuthException" }


The image data does not seem to be transmitted correctly. The facebook docs tell me that you are using multipart / form-data upload. (See here > Publishing)

I am using angular-easyfb as a wrapper for my faceebook sdk. What's the easiest way to get this to work? My current code:

var sharePhoto = function() {
           "source": content,
           "message": "This is a test Photo"
       function (response) {
           console.log("shared", response);
           if (response && !response.error) {
              /* handle the result */

ezfb.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
    if(response.status === 'connected') {
        console.log("already conntected", response);
    } else {
        ezfb.login(function(response) {
            // Do something with response.
        }, {scope: 'public_profile,email,user_photos,publish_actions'});


Console log:

already conntected {status: "connected", authResponse: Object} 
shared {error: {code: 324, message: "(#324) Requires upload file", type: "OAuthException"}}


My questions:

  • What is the expected format for my variable content? How do I need to encode?
  • Do I need to manipulate the request for request headers? How?

Many thanks for your help!

Edit: Added console log


source to share

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