Change html with javascript

I am developing a small extension for myself. The goal is simple: you click on an extension, you enter a YouTube link, and the video plays inside your extension.

Here is my HTML

    Youtube Link: <input type="text" id="link" name="firstname">
    <button type="button" id="do-link"> Go ! </button>
    <script src="popup.js"></script>
    <p id="write">Here your link</p>
    <iframe id="ytplayer" title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" 
    width="640" height="390" src=""
    frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>


And my JS:

var a;
function link() {
    a = document.getElementById('link').value;
    document.getElementById('ytplayer').src = a;
document.getElementById('do-link').onclick = link;


So this basically just prints to the console what's inside my textbox. And it displays the KSI video (or whatever video you want if you put the hte link. I want to know if there is an easy way to replace the YouTube links with a link written by the user in the textbox?


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2 answers

You can change the SRC IFRAME, but you need to use the embed url from Youtube, not just the IFRAME page on Youtube, otherwise you will get a cross domain error.

Also, from the Youtube url, you need to get the video id and use it in the embedded SRC

Editing the code:


`Youtube Link: <input type="text" id="link" name="firstname">
<button type="button" id="do-link"> Go ! </button>
<script src="popup.js"></script>
<p id="write">Here your link</p>
<iframe id="iframe_id" width="640" height="390" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>`



var a;
function link() {
    a = document.getElementById('link').value;
    var videoid = youtube_parser(a);
    var new_link = "" + videoid;

    document.getElementById('write').innerHTML = new_link;
    document.getElementById('iframe_id').src = new_link;
document.getElementById('do-link').onclick = link;

function youtube_parser(url){
    var regExp = /^.*((\/)|(v\/)|(\/u\/\w\/)|(embed\/)|(watch\?))\??v?=?([^#\&\?]*).*/;
    var match = url.match(regExp);
    if (match&&match[7].length==11){
        return match[7];
        alert("Url incorrecta");


Here is a working version (fiddle):

Optional: using Lasnv function to parse.



Just replace the iframe with src a

inside your click function.



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