Wildfly 8.1.0 Final / JASPIC: ServerAuthModule.validateRequest () is not called when HttpServletRequest.authenticate () is called

I am migrating my Glassfish app to Wildfly 8. In Glassfish I used Jersey and in Wildfly I use RESTeasy. I am having a problem with the JASPIC implementation in WildFly.

In both containers, SAM (ServerAuthModule) is called at the beginning of the request to allow validation of the preceding file.

In Wildfly, my SAM is not called after calling HttpServletRequest.authenticate (). In Glassfish, this worked as expected and called SAM again. Is there something special I should do to get Wildfly to call SAM a second time during the request, or is this function just broken in Wildfly?


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1 answer

This is a bug in WildFly. See https://issues.jboss.org/browse/UNDERTOW-263

There is a workaround here: http://jdevelopment.nl/experiences-migrating-jboss-7-wildfly-81

It looks like you need to install your own Undertow handler that dumps some state.



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