Credential provider. Show some kind of progress bar and disable password or PIN field

I am developing my own smart card credential provider based on Microsoft samples . Specifically, I'm using a provider-wrapped sample, so I only need to add some new functionality to the existing ones. After clicking the submit button, the provider should send an authentication request to my server, and if so, it should continue to work with the standard Windows mechanism.

I did this successfully by putting my requesting code at the beginning of the GetSerialization method. But since this operation can take a long time, I need to inform the user about the current progress.

  • First question. Is it a good idea to run my code from GetSerialization?

Since the developer is not allowed to create custom controls on the login screen (such as a progress bar), I decided to create a small top window containing the current status of the activity and display it in the upper right corner. At the same time, I need to disable the PIN and submit button before completing the operation. But since I noticed Disabling scopes in Credential Provider here , this is not possible from GetSerialization.

  1. Second question. How would you recommend that I achieve this functionality?

  2. And the third one. How can I use the Credentials :: Advice method to determine what exactly happened? Because I only get ICredentialProviderCredentialEvents * pcpce as a parameter that I can use to call its methods, but I still don't know what is the source of this event. Is the button pressed or fed or something else?

Any help would be appreciated)


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1 answer

  • I just got the same ambiguity and all the interaction with the server internally GetSerialisation

    - it works fine. The delay from pressing send to login is about 2 seconds.
  • Try using a textbox with the current point: '. ' ' . ' ' . ' ' . ' ' . ' ' .'

  • Advise using context for your calls LogonUI

    . For example, to set text boxes with updated values.



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