How to post a photo using the Facebook app from another Android app

I am using the below code. It opens the Facebook Messenger app, but the image is not displayed (with a broken image) and the upload fails.

List<Bitmap> abc = new ArrayList<Bitmap>();
FacebookDialog.PhotoMessageDialogBuilder builder = new FacebookDialog.PhotoMessageDialogBuilder(LocationShare.this);


Is there a problem with how I add photos? i mean using list i mentioned content provider in android manifest.xml i can submit link using below code.

FacebookDialog.MessageDialogBuilder builder = new FacebookDialog.MessageDialogBuilder (getActivity ()) .setLink (" ") .setName ("Message Dialog Dialog Box") .setCaption (" Create great social apps that attract your friends "). .setPicture (" ") .setDescription ("Allow your users to link to posts from your application using the Android SDK.");


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1 answer

Have you added a content provider?

If you look at the javadocs for addPhotos ( ) it says that you need to specify NativeAppCallContentProvider in your AndroidManifest.

The docs for NativeAppCallContentProvider ( ) talk about how to add a content provider.

You can also view the HelloFacebook sample, which has an example of adding a content provider to an AndroidManifest.



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