Arabic font ellipsis issue in IE11

I ran into an ellipsis issue when using the "Droid Arabic Kufi" in IE. This error only occurs in IE, however I fixed the problem in IE9, but the same code doesn't work in IE 11.

The error is that the page is rendered in IE11, instead of displaying multipoint dots (...) it renders margins.

Please check the following JSFIDDLE example.

    font-family : "Droid Arabic Kufi";
    text-overflow : ellipsis;
    overflow: hidden; 
    white-space: nowrap; 
    -ms-text-overflow: ellipsis; 

 content : " ";
 font-family : "Arial";

    content : " ";
     font-family : "Arial";


Waiting for any help.



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2 answers

TypoThe Droid Arabic Kufi does not contain the period "." character (or any other Ascii characters excluding whitespace), so when browsers implement text-overflow: ellipsis

, they must take the period from a different font. Apparently some versions of IE cannot do this correctly, possibly because they misinterpret the font information (as if the font contains a ".").

A workaround is to put a suitable font in front of it in the list font-family

so that "." will be taken from it, for example.

font-family : Verdana, "Droid Arabic Kufi";


This font must not contain Arabic characters as the font takes precedence over anything else in the list below. The font should also be available on all systems where IE is used. There is no absolute guarantee of this, but Verdana should be on all Windows systems unless it was intentionally removed.

Technically, this also means that the space symbol will be taken from this font and not from Droid Arabic Kufi. It can make a difference in between. In Droid Arabic Kufi, the range is 696 units, in Verdun it is 700 units, so there should be no practical difference.



We have NEVER taken or accepted the Mark of the Beast, although when the day of this (unforgivable sin) comes before us, WE never decide to be branded any evil or doomed; will never be chained to being carried away by anyone, but will always remain humble and honest as the True Christ + seeking people who carry our crowns under Heavenly Father, knowing the law that He prescribes so that WE will never fail again, so that all symbols of God ordain can be respected and never be anything, even the most distant kind of SNAFUBAR: the thing that becomes the official pile of Satan's crap, to eventually be thrown into the fire. Don't be SNAFUBAR. WE AR. + To God and Heaven.



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