Create index in mongodb with more than one field using java

I am new to MongoDB

. By default, collections in MongoDB

have an index on the field _id

. I need to create an index on 2 more fields using Java.

DBObject indexOptions = new BasicDBObject();
indexOptions.put(field_1, 1);
indexOptions.put(field_2, -1);
collection.createIndex(indexOptions )


When I query this in mongodb using db.collection_name.getIndexes ()

                "v" : 1,
                "key" : {
                        "_id" : 1
                "name" : "_id_",
                "ns" : "schema.collection_name"
                "v" : 1,
                "key" : {
                        "field_1" : 1,
                        "field_2" : -1
                "name" : "field_1_1_field_2_-1",
                "ns" : "schema.collection_name"


I'm not sure if the above is correct. Can someone please confirm? If not correct, how can I fix it?

Adding to the above, I do something like this to retrieve:

        DBObject subscriberIdObj = new BasicDBObject( field3, value3 );
        DBObject subscriberIdIsNullObj = new BasicDBObject( field3, null );
        BasicDBList firstOrValues = new BasicDBList();
        firstOrValues.add( subscriberIdObj );
        firstOrValues.add( subscriberIdIsNullObj );
        DBObject firstOr = new BasicDBObject( "$or", firstOrValues );

        DBObject batchIdObj = new BasicDBObject( field1, value1 );
        DBObject fileNameObj = new BasicDBObject( field2, value2 );
        BasicDBList secondOrValues = new BasicDBList();
        secondOrValues.add( batchIdObj );
        secondOrValues.add( fileNameObj );
        DBObject secondOr = new BasicDBObject( "$or", secondOrValues );
        BasicDBList andValues = new BasicDBList();
        andValues.add( firstOr );
        andValues.add( secondOr );

        DBObject query = new BasicDBObject( "$and", andValues );
        DBCursor cursor = mongoDatastore.getDB().getCollection(collection_name).find(query);


Now, for quick retrieval like above, should I create an index separately on field1, field2 and field3? or a composite index for all three fields?


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1 answer

This is rightly called Compound Index

. You have created an index in two fields: field_1

(ascending) and field_2

(descending). For example, if you sort in field_1

ascending and field_2

descending order or field_1

descending and field_2

ascending order, MongoDb will use that index field_1_1_field_2_-1

for it.

However, the above index cannot support sorting by ascending values field_1

and then ascending field_2

. Also if you do a search or sort on only field_2

, it won't use that index. In this case, you can create separate indexes for field_1

and field_2


To check if your query is using an index try using explain()

and see which cursor is being used. For example, you can try a query like this:

db.your_collection.find({ "field_1" : "something" }).explain()


If you see that the cursor being used is this BtreeCursor

, then the query uses the index, and in case it BasicCursor

does not.

For more information, just refer to this article .



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