How do I attach a file to a work item in TFS without a physical file path?

I have an object of type Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Attachment

and I want to bind it to a TFS work item ( Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client


Unfortunately I only found one way to add an attachment to Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client

, which needs a physical file path. But in my case, I have a file in memory (type Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Attachment


How can I attach my file to a TFS work item?

Attention: this code does not answer my question:

workItem.Attachments.Add(new Attachment("PATH OF MY ATTACHMENT", "COMMENT ABOUT ATTACHMENT"));


because I have no way. Also, I don't want to save the file to the hard drive, because this method has very poor performance.


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1 answer

You can do it with an object Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Proxy.WorkItemServer

(see code below). This requires a little more work than using the regular WFS WIT object model, but allows the Stream object to be used for attachments rather than using a physical file path.

using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Proxy;

var tpc = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(new Uri("<collection URL>"));
var store = tpc.GetService<WorkItemStore>();
var teamProject = store.Projects["<project name>"];
var server = tpc.GetService<WorkItemServer>();

FileAttachment attachment = new FileAttachment();
attachment.LocalFile = stream; /*this is the stream object with attachment contents*/
attachment.AreaNodeUri = teamProject.AreaRootNodes[0].Uri.ToString();
attachment.FileNameGUID = Guid.NewGuid(); /*just random guid*/
attachment.ProjectUri = teamProject.Uri.ToString();

server.UploadFile(attachment); /*upload the file to TFS*/

/*Time to attach the TFS file to the work item. We need to use Update() method directly*/
const string c_UpdatePackage = 
                @"<Package AttachmentUrl=""{7}/WorkItemTracking/v1.0/AttachFileHandler.ashx"" xmlns="""">
                   <UpdateWorkItem ObjectType=""WorkItem"" ClientCapabilities=""0"" WorkItemID = ""{0}"" Revision=""{1}"">
                     <InsertFile FieldName=""System.AttachedFiles"" OriginalName=""{2}"" FileName=""{3}"" CreationDate=""{4}"" LastWriteDate=""{4}"" FileSize=""{5}"" />
                         <Column Column=""System.ChangedBy"" Type=""String"">
                         <ComputedColumn Column=""System.PersonId"" />
                         <ComputedColumn Column=""System.RevisedDate"" />
                         <ComputedColumn Column=""System.ChangedDate"" />
                         <ComputedColumn Column=""System.AuthorizedDate"" />
                         <ComputedColumn Column=""System.Watermark"" />

XmlDocument updatePackage = new XmlDocument();
                1 /*work item ID*/, 
                2 /*work item latest revision*/, 
                "<file name you want, it will show up in the work item attachment tab>", 
                "<display name of the TFS user making the change, e.g. John Smith>",
                "<collection url, e.g. http://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection>"));

            XmlElement outputPackage; /*this can be ignored*/
            string dbStamp; /*this can be ignored*/
            IMetadataRowSets metadata; /*this can be ignored*/
                out outputPackage,
                out dbStamp,
                out metadata);




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