Caching images and then rendering cached images in angularjs

I have a file .json

in this format:



Now when I receive this file, I have to put all the images in the cache ( $angularCacheFatory

) and after that I render the view. Something like that:

    var x = data;
     $scope.myImages = data;

    // Download x.graph and then insert it into the cache
    x.forEach(function(item, index, array){
             imageCache.put('x.graph', res);



Now after I have cached it, how do I get the cached image in the view?

 <img ng-src={{myImages.graph}} >


It just doesn't work. Am I doing something wrong?


Common goal:

First select the images given in the url. Then save the images to the cache. Then render the image that is in the cache.

When I create a view, I don't want to receive the image over the network. I want to display an image that is in the cache. So before rendering the view, I preload all the images and then insert them into the cache to ng-src={{path}}

retrieve the locally cached images.


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