How to manage fine grain permissions in Elasticsearch?

I need to consistently store the role / groups that can access the information, but I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it.

Summary: I have 2 types of documents "tweet" and "blog":

  • At the level, tweet

    I keep the name of the group available for accessing information
  • blog

    more complicated, there are metadata ( title

    , description

    , nature

    ...), but some of this information may be restricted to certain groups of users (only admin

    or logged_in


What's the best way to map this to Elasticsearch?

As of today, I am getting documents like:

    id: 112,
    ugroups: [ "restricted_user", "admin" ],
    description: "foo",
    id: 113,
    ugroups: [ "anonymous" ]
    description: "foo",



    id: 5,
    fields: [
            "nature": {
                "value": "foo",
                "ugroup": [ "admin" ]
    id: 6,
    fields: [
            "comment": {
                "value": "foo",
                "ugroup": [ "anonymous" ]


When a user wants to search in tweet

, it's simple, I build a query term

with the words provided by the user and add the groups this query belongs to.

But how to make a request that will perceive this "group" at different levels?

Ideally, I can ask a query like:

  • search in tweet

    with tweet.ugroup: "anonymous"

    and in blog

    withblog.fields.*.ugroup: "anonymous"

Is there a way to write a query like this?


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