Facebook Graph V2.1 How to filter news feed or / home without FQL?

FQL is deprecated and I use it a lot to query news filtering.

How should I hide this on the Graph API calls?

"SELECT {columns} FROM stream WHERE source_id = me () AND type = XXX AND app_id = XXXX"

I tried the following:

/v2.1/me/home?filter=application (XXXXX)

I do not understand. If I use:


The result is very inconsistent and how can I translate source_id = me () ?? The app_XXX filter is not even documented on the FB ..

On this page https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.1/user/home/

The documentation says that the modifier filter is "Get only messages that match a specific stream filter." Valid filters to be used here can be obtained using the FQL stream_filter table. Isn't FQL deprecated ??? or how are we supposed to use streaming filters on the graph?

I apologize full of questions.

Hope someone gives me some answers or hints ...


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