Changing the style of each function in the GeoJSON Leaflet layer

I was looking into Chloropleth Lithography Example .

In my Leaflet app, I have a jQuery dropdown that, when selected, runs a function that takes the name of the state as an argument. I want to use this name to update the Chloropleth map.

What is the template for changing the style of the Leolet GeoJSON layer? Should I create a second layer created with L.geoJson()

? The layers seem to be painting on top of each other using this approach.

I can provide a Fiddle if needed.


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2 answers

Here's an example of changing choropleth to classify by different properties - the trick is to call again setStyle

with different values.



To expand on @ tmcw 's answer , the strategy is to pass in a function geojsonLayer.eachLayer()

that changes the style for everyone in the instance geojsonLayer


Here's some code that demonstrates this strategy that I have removed and simplified from the code posted on the Mapbox page referenced by @tmcw . My code example changes the style of each function instance in geojsonLayer

based on the value of the specified property for each object instance.

var geojsonLayer = L.geoJson(...); // a GeoJSON layer declared in the outer scope

function restyleLayer(propertyName) {

    geojsonLayer.eachLayer(function(featureInstancelayer) {
        propertyValue =[propertyName];

        // Your function that determines a fill color for a particular
        // property name and value.
        var myFillColor = getColor(propertyName, propertyValue);

            fillColor: myFillColor,
            fillOpacity: 0.8,
            weight: 0.5




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