Which remote branch is my git subtree tracking?

Suppose there is a master remote and a dev branch, and I added it to a subtree:

$ git remote add rem [URL]
$ git fetch rem
$ git subtree add -P=./sub rem/dev


Now every time I run the git subtree pull -P sub

rem / dev branch will be checked out and merged into sub. Ok

But let's say later , I forgot if I was added from the master or dev branch. Apart from the output, comparing git logs, is there a way that git will tell me which rem branch is the subtree in sub / tracking?

Counterfeits are tricky ...


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1 answer

At the root of your working directory, there will be a .gittrees

file with the contents, for example:

[subtree "sub"]
    url = git://example.com/repo.git
    path = sub
    branch = master




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