Writing to KDB using qJava

I'm not very good with KDB (in case the question sounds silly). I am trying to use kdb (disk not memory) to load all my data from the database. I already asked a question about upserts and I figured out how to take off from console and save to disk

q)dsPricing:([id:`int$(); date:`date$()] open:`float$();close:`float$();high:`float$();low:`float$();volume:`int$())
q)dsPricing:([id:`int$(); date:`date$()] open:`float$();close:`float$();high:`float$();low:`float$();volume:`int$())
q)`dsPricing insert(123;2003.03.23;1.0;3.0;4.0;2.0;1000)
q)`dsPricing insert(123;2003.03.24;1.0;3.0;4.0;2.0;2000)
q)save `:dsPricing
q)`:dsPricing upsert(123;2003.03.25;1.0;3.0;4.0;2.0;1500)


Now I am trying to do it in Java and have the following code

public class LoadDS {
SqlSession session;
private DataStreamMapper mapper ;
public static void main(String args[]){
     final QConnection q = new QBasicConnection(args.length >= 1 ? args[0] : "localhost", args.length >= 2 ? Integer.parseInt(args[1]) : 5001, "user",

     LoadDS l=new LoadDS();

      l.session = MyBatisConnectionFactory.getSqlSessionFactory("SMALLS").openSession();
      l.mapper = l.session.getMapper(DataStreamMapper.class);
      List<DataStream> prices = l.mapper.selectHistoricalPrices(1);
      try {
        q.sync("upsert", "'dsPricing", l.getData(prices));
    } catch (QException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

// dsPricing:([id:`int$(); date:`date$()] open:`float$();close:`float$();high:`float$();low:`float$();volume:`int$())
 private Object[] getData(List<DataStream> prices) {

        final Object[] data = new Object[] {new int[prices.size()], new QDate[prices.size()],
                                            new float[prices.size()], new float[prices.size()],
                                            new float[prices.size()],new float[prices.size()],
                                            new int[prices.size()]

        for ( int i = 0; i < prices.size(); i++ ) {

             ((int[]) data[0])[i] = prices.get(i).getInfoCode();
            ((QDate[]) data[1])[i] = new QDate(prices.get(i).getMarketDate());
            ((float[]) data[2])[i] = (float)prices.get(i).getOpen_();
            ((float[]) data[3])[i] = (float)prices.get(i).getClose_();
            ((float[]) data[4])[i] = (float)prices.get(i).getHigh();
            ((float[]) data[5])[i] = (float)prices.get(i).getLow();
            ((int[]) data[6])[i] = (int)prices.get(i).getVolume();

        return data;



Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? No data is saved and I tried several options. I'd rather just load the data from SQL and save it to disk for bootstrapping.


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2 answers

You probably want to replace "dsPricing" (note the extra apostles) with "dsPricing" or perhaps ": dsPricing". qJava converts strings to characters, so "dsPricing" is sent as what you get in q by writing "$" "dsPricing".



Thanks to Charles Skelton of Kx Systems

public static void main(String[]args){
    c c=new c("",5001);
    c.k("addData",new Object[]{new int[]{1,1},
                               new Date[]{Date.valueOf("1994-2-17"),Date.valueOf("1994-2-16")},
                               new double[]{73.,76.},
                               new double[]{73.,76.},
                               new double[]{76.,77.899994},
                               new double[]{73.,75.},
                               new int[]{2223000,3167000}});
  catch(Exception e){


then confirm data availability

  q)addData:{`:dsPricing/ upsert flip `id`date`open`close`high`low`volume!x;}
    q)select from `:dsPricing
    id date      | open close high     low volume 
    -------------| -------------------------------
    1  1994.02.17| 73   73    76       73  2223000
    1  1994.02.16| 76   76    77.89999 75  3167000




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