How to write shorthand if / else if / else?

Is there a shorthand for the if / else if / else statement? For example, I know there is one for the if / else statement:

var n = $("#example div").length;
$("body").css("background", (n < 2) ? "green" : "orange");


But how do I write the following in the shorthand syntax as above?

var n = $("#example div").length;

if (n < 2) {
    $("body").css("background", "green");
else if (n > 2) {
    $("body").css("background", "blue");
else {
    $("body").css("background", "orange");



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4 answers

It exists, but it is highly recommended by the UN because it is quite difficult to read and maintain.

var n = $("#example div").length,

color = (n < 2) ? 'green' : 
        (n > 2) ? 'blue'  : 'orange';

$("body").css("background", color);




Tees are good if you are using line breaks:

$( 'body' ).css( 'background',
      (n < 2) ? 'green'
    : (n > 2) ? 'blue'
    :           'orange'


Everyone has their own syntactic preferences, but I find it perfectly readable.



No cuts.

I would also like to point out that the?: Operator is not a shorthand. One expression, another statement.

If you want to make this code more concise, I would suggest getting rid of the curly braces:

if (n < 2)      $("body").css("background", "green");
else if (n > 2) $("body").css("background", "blue");
else            $("body").css("background", "orange");




You can use a triple for this, but I would recommend against (this is bad style). You can also go with a switch statement:

switch(true) {
    case (n<2):
        $("body").css("background", "green");
    case (n>2):
        $("body").css("background", "blue");
       $("body").css("background", "orange");


But it's no better than just sticking to if



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