Any way to temporarily disable the fullpage.js scrolling feature?

I am creating a site using fullpage.js, which also has an overlay that pops up and covers the entire page. Inside the overlay, there is an overflow div setting: scroll so you can see all the content. The problem is that when scrolling through the content of the overlay, the fullpage.js scrolling still goes across the background slides, causing you to end up with a random slide when you close the overlay.

Is it possible to disable the slides-only scrolling feature without scrolling my set of divs on overflow: scrolling?


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1 answer

Using the option the normalScrollElements

fullpage.js plugin provides:

From the documentation :

normalScrollElements: (default null) If you want to avoid automatic scrolling when scrolling over some elements, this is the option you should use. (useful for maps, scrolling divs, etc.). These elements require a string with jQuery selectors. (For example: normalScrollElements: '# element1, .element2')



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