Change variable in c # statement expression

For a school assignment, I have to create an ATM-like menu view.

My professor gave us this code:

string choice = null;

    Console.Write("[O]pen Account [I]nquire [D]eposit [W]ithdraw [Q]uit: ");
    choice = Console.ReadLine();
    choice = choice.ToUpper();

    switch (choice)
        case "O": // open an account
        case "I": // inquire
        case "D": // deposit
        case "W": // withdraw
        default: break;
} while (choice != "Q");


Here's what I did:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string choice = null;
            string CustomerName;

            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Fantasy Bank");
            Console.Write("Please enter your name:");
            CustomerName = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.WriteLine("What can I do for you");
                Console.Write("[O]pen Account [I]nquire [D]eposit [W]ithdraw [Q]uit: ");
                choice = Console.ReadLine();
                choice = choice.ToUpper();

                double CurrentBalance = 0;
                switch (choice)

                    case "O": // open an account
                        Console.Write("Name of account holder:");
                        Console.Write("Initial Deposit:");
                        CurrentBalance = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());  // i get a major error if someone types in a letter instead of a number
                        Console.Write("You have succesfully opened an account with an initial deposit of ");
                        Console.WriteLine(" at an imaginary bank. Congratulations");
                    case "I": // inquire
                        Console.WriteLine(" Bank Account");


I've done a little more, but the problem starts here in case "I"

. CustomerName

is replaced with whatever the user enters as expected. But it CurrentBalance

doesn't change and I have to set it equal to something, otherwise I get an error.

I get the feeling that it is impossible to change the variable switch

inside a switch

. I looked into my book for passing references / values, but this section does not contain it switch

. If I could give me a hint what I am doing wrong or can show me what can solve my problem that would be great. I don't expect any code from you, just push a little in the right direction.


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3 answers

Your problem is your ad placement CurrentBalance


You currently have the following:

    double CurrentBalance = 0;
    switch (choice) {
        /* the rest of your code */


Should be

double CurrentBalance = 0;
    switch (choice) {
        /* the rest of your code */


Now the next iteration of your loop do

will not be reset CurrentBalance




Each iteration of the reset loop CurrentBalance

is 0. Move the line double CurrentBalance = 0;


string choice;
string CurrentName;
double CurrentBalance = 0;

// ...

    // ...
    //double CurrentBalance = 0; NOT HERE
    switch( ... )





You have to initialize all your variables before entering the loop, not in the loop, otherwise the variable will be reinitialized (cleared before 0

) on each iteration.

double CurrentBalance = 0;
// other code...
do { // ...


I should mention that it has nothing to do with changing variables inside the switch. Changing variables within a switch is perfectly acceptable.



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