How can I do automatic oauth / openid authentication for WebAPI?

Imagine a client and service application registered with Windows Azure.

The client is a console and runs unattended (for example, running tests overnight) A service is an oAuth-protected WebAPI service typically available using OpenID Connect hosted in Azure.

How can a client authenticate to the service WITHOUT any user interaction (for example, an application authenticates to a service using ADAL.Net)?

I tried ADAL .Net Sample Daemon for WebAPI but it still opens an authentication dialog ...


[ edit ] Here is some code showing very roughly how I interact with the client. All App IDs, etc. Are correct.

var authContext = new AuthenticationContext("");
var result = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(ServiceAppId, ClientCredential);
var client = new HttpClient
    BaseAddress = new Uri("https://localhost:44301/"),

client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = 
    new AuthenticationHeaderValue(
var response = await client.GetAsync("api/something");
var jsonString = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;


This just creates an HTML login page ...

I also tried to add [HostAuthentication("OAuth2Bearer")]

etc. to the api controller of the service and add to the OWIN startup logic, but to no avail, e.g .:

    new WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryBearerAuthenticationOptions
        TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
            ValidAudience = myRealm,

        Tenant = "",
        AuthenticationType = BearerAuthenticationType.OAuth2Bearer,



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1 answer

EDIT: After rereading the original post, I think I now understand what's going on. You mentioned that you have OpenId Connect in your application and when you hit the web API, you get HTML. I suspect that the OpenId Connect middleware starts when you hit the web API, not the Oauth2 middleware. If so, I recommend taking a look at in-the-same-project / for instructions on how to use redirect-based middleware and OAuth2 secure resource middleware in the same project.

Original answer: have you tried ? This should do what you are looking for. Sorry for your patience, on the phone :-) NTN V.



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