When is the mono implementation of mvc 5 expected?

I am currently trying to figure out the architecture for a product update. The current project is in Asp.Net Webforms 4.0, but I lean heavily towards MVC 5. The problem is that a few clients (about 10%) don't want to depend on Windows Server licensing, but our dev team / environment is .Net / Windows ... I was wondering if I could build it in MVC 5 using the latest features like scaffolding, filtering, etc., and also be able to port it to Linux platform via Mono.

Does this sound realistic?

I wanted to know the timing of the stable MVC 5 implementation in Mono so that I could know if I could depend on Mono when my team is working on portability in 2-4 months. Otherwise MVC 5 could be a deal for us.

I went through the Mono site and it links to StackOverflow for any questions ... so I'm here


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2 answers

MVC 5 will probably never be 100% stable / supported in Mono as it builds on System.Web , which Microsoft never opens and is difficult to recreate in Mono. change this may change now that the sources for System.Web are open source.

MVC 6 (and everything else from ASP.NET "vNext") is a complete overhaul to get rid of System.Web and will support Mono out of the box as Microsoft is actively testing it.

See http://www.asp.net/vnext , https://github.com/aspnet/Home, and https://github.com/aspnet/Mvc .

My advice was to keep an eye on ASP.NET "vNext" (it's under development right now, but will be the future of ASP.NET for the next decade) if you want proper Mono support. You can also start with MVC 5 now, but keep in mind that will break changes by the time you upgrade to MVC6.



You can also try Nancyfx , which is an MVC framework that was built from the start to work with .net and mono.

I am currently using it in a project. I develop on windows and .net and then publish (copy files) to Unbuntu and mono. It's very seamless.

Nancy's hosting support is also very broad.



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