Finding the whole combination of a number for a specific amount
Array A ={1,2,3}
For sum value = 5
Possible combination
{3,2} , {1,1,1,1,1} , {2,2,1} and all possiable one
here is my approach:
int count( int S[], int m, int n )
// m is the size of the array and n is required sum
// If n is 0 then there is 1 solution (do not include any coin)
if (n == 0)
return 1;
// If n is less than 0 then no solution exists
if (n < 0)
return 0;
// If there are no coins and n is greater than 0, then no solution exist
if (m <=0 && n >= 1)
return 0;
// count is sum of solutions (i) including S[m-1] (ii) excluding S[m-1]
return count( S, m - 1, n ) + count( S, m, n-S[m-1] );
My approach Disadvantage: . He has to recount many combinations over and over again. Thus, the value of the sum is very large, therefore it is very slow.
I want to implement this with dynamic programmingplease provide me with an explanation how I can save the calculated value so that I can reuse it and shorten my program time
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I would do it differently:
create an array of coins to match the amount
- one type of coin
- start with the biggest
- add as many of them as possible.
- but the amount should be
, then the target amount - if the final amount is reached, the result of saving
- recursively call step 1 for the next bottom coin
- but remember the last state of the coin array
- if there is no coin = 1, then sometimes the result will be invalid
- go to next combination
- restore the last state of the coin array
- remove the last coin from it
- if not, then stop
- else repeat step 2
- one type of coin
permutations of counting / combinations if and order matters
- so let's assume the result and rearrange it according to the rules of your problem.
- to get more solutions from him.
- it's faster than trying every opportunity in 1.
example (for 1.):
coins = { 5,2,1 } sum=7 5 | 2 5 | - | 1 1 - | 2 2 2 | 1 - | 2 2 | 1 1 1 - | 2 | 1 1 1 1 1
separates the recursive layer - there is one level of recursion for each coin type
- so you will need memory for the three states of the array in this case (length depends on the target sum)
- this is acceptable (I've seen solutions with much more complex space complexity for this problem)
- for very large amounts, I would use RLE to save memory and speed things up.
[edit1] C ++ source code
void prn_coins(int *count,int *value,int coins) // just to output solution somewhere
int i;
AnsiString s="";
for (i=0;i<coins;i++)
s+=AnsiString().sprintf("%ix%i ",count[i],value[i]);
void get_coins(int *count,int *value,int coins,int sum,int ix=0,int si=0)
if (ix>=coins) return; // exit
if (ix==0) // init:
ix=0; // first layer
si=0; // no sum in solution for now
for (int i=0;i<coins;i++) count[i]=0; // no coins in solution for now
//1. genere actal coint type value[]
count[ix]=(sum-si)/value[ix]; // as close to sum as can
si+=value[ix]*count[ix]; // update actual sum
//2. recursion call
if (si==sum) prn_coins(count,value,coins);
else get_coins(count,value,coins,sum,ix+1,si);
//3. next combination
if (count[ix]) { count[ix]--; si-=value[ix]; }
else break;
void main()
const int _coins=3; // coin types
int value[_coins]={5,2,1}; // coin values (must be in descending order !!!)
int count[_coins]={0,0,0}; // coin count in actual solution (RLE)
- this code took ~ 3ms on my HW setup
- just change the prn_coins function to your print form (I used the VCL and AnsiSring note)
- in this code, the state of the solution is automatically overwritten to the previous state.
- so there is no need for further memoize (otherwise the count array would have to be copied before and after the recursion)
- Now a permutation step will be necessary if:
- is each coin unique? (1 1 2 5)! = ( 1 1 2 5)
- or just the type of coin? (1 1 2 5)! = (1 2 1 5)
- in this case, just add the permutation code to the prn_coins function ...
- but that's another question ...
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A very simple change to your solution would be to just add "memoization".
Given that the array is S
fixed, the result of your function depends on m
and n
. Therefore, you can make the following small change:
int count( int S[], int m, int n ) {
if (cache[m][n] == -1) {
cache[m][n] = count( S, m - 1, n ) + count( S, m, n-S[m-1] );
return cache[m][n];
This way you compute the result once for each distinct pair of values m
and n
The idea is to keep the 2d array indexed ( m
, n
), all initialized to -1
(which means "not yet computed"). When you are about to compute the value in count
, you first check if the value has not yet been computed, and if so, you store the result in a 2d matrix as well, so as not to repeat the same number again in the future.
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For dynamic programming, you need to generalize your problem. Let be S(a, x)
all possible sums of a value x
, only using the values from A
, starting with the index A
. Your original problem is S(0, X)
Since you have a discrete function with two parameters, you can store its results in a 2d array.
There are some simple cases: there is no solution for a = A.length
and X > 0
There is a set containing only an empty amount for X = 0
Now you have to find a recursive formula for other cases and populate the table so that the indexes you depend on have already been calculated (hint: consider a loop back).
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