Thunderbird and SoGo connector: Credentials were never prompted

I am trying to access my own address book using Thunderbird and SoGo connector under Windows.

On Linux I don't have any problem - it works great.
On Windows, however, I never ask for any credentials after adding a new remote address book and therefore I cannot get my address book.
I tried deleting and re-creating the address book several times by restarting Thunderbird and Windows itself, but I never got the credential prompt.
I checked the "saved passwords" section in Thunderbird preferences to make sure no wrong credentials were saved (as SoGo doesn't work if the credentials are wrong).
Correct address book url.

I am using Thunderbird 31.1.1 and SoGo 24.0.6

Thanks in advance for any hints.


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4 answers

Ok, I solved this myself by downgrading to SoGo Connector 10.0.6.



After you have installed the addon, restarted thunderbird and entered the uri into your own address book, restart thunderbird again. The SoGo Connector must then prompt for credentials.



SoGo Connector never prompts for CardDAV credentials in Thunderbird 38 under Windows, probably TB, Lightning or SoGo bug.

Solved by downgrading to Thunderbird 31, everything works as expected.



I solved this problem by first removing the SOGo connector and then installing the Thunderbird Additive Password Manager and creating a new annotation type username / password (or similar). I subsequently reinstalled SOGo Connector and it worked immediately. I found a solution on this German website . After that, the suggested way to install the saved password manager did not help. They offer this workaround if you are prompted for a password every time, I have not been asked once.



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